Primas Project


PRIMAS was an international project within the Seventh Framework Program of the European Union (2010-2013). Fourteen universities from twelve different countries have worked together over four years to promote the implementation and use of inquiry-based learning in mathematics and science. PRIMAS has developed materials for direct use in class and modules for professional development (PD modules). In addition, we have run professional development activities and have supported professional networks in each of the partner countries. PRIMAS has also worked with stakeholders such as policymakers, school leaders and parents to create a supportive environment for inquiry-based learning.

Project leader: Katja Maass, University of Education, Freiburg – Germany.

PRIMAS supported teachers in integrating and applying inquiry-based learning pedagogies in their mathematics and science classrooms. During the project’s lifetime (2010-2013), various resources and support measures have been developed and made available to teachers, parents and pupils. The evaluation of PRIMAS was twofold. A summative evaluation focused on the overall impact of the implementation of inquiry-based learning in day-to-day teaching with a pre-post study of 50-100 teachers and around 1500 students per PRIMAS partner country. A formative evaluation focused on the implementation and dissemination processes and allowed optimisation during PRIMAS lifetime.




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The project PRIMAS has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement number 244380. The websites of the PRIMAS project reflect only the authors (PRIMAS consortium) views. The European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.